Friday, April 5, 2019

CAGD 345 Project 1: Force of Nature

This is my first post on this new blog, so i'll start off with a summary of its purpose. This blog is meant to house my Storyboarding work, which only really consists of one class i have been taking. So to get us really started i give you Force of Nature. This started out as a very different concept than it ended as, so i'll walk through the process a little bit.

I started out by doing a character sheet to see what kind of character might lead my story. This was based off of nuts and was called Tough Nut. Unfortunately i did not end up using any of these characters for the rest of the assignment.

The brunt of the work is based off this guy here, Mush the Mushroom.

The story went through many revisions, and originally had mush get kicked off the farm and ran into a devious truffle which steered him wrong. In the end 1 minute was not enough time to portray that story, so i contained it to the farm, and got rid of the truffle character.
One thing that did stick around from the original beat board above is the living carrots. It was condensed to one carrot as a third main character alongside Mush and the Farmer.

In the end i created this storyboard to tell my story. However i realized that this doesn't fully convey the information about the story. So when it came time to make the animatic below, i had to add many frames in between in order to properly convey the story.
Overall this was a neat assignment that taught me the process of taking an idea from concept to finished product.